Alex awarded ASCB COS Coin

May 10, 2022

UKAF ACO secretary WO2 Alex Rennie was awarded the Army Sports Control Board ‘Chief of Staff’ coin during day one of the Inter Corps tournament at Aldershot, receiving his award from Maj.Gen. Burley, the Director of the ASCB.

In his recommendation for the award, the ACA Chairman Brig ‘Barty’ Bartholomew said of Alex, “he has made an exceptional contribution to Army Cricket over the past seven years, serving a wide variety of appointments within both the Executive Committee of the Army Cricket Association and the man committee of UKAF ACO.  In addition to his committee responsibilties, he has also been a regular umpire for UKAF, Army and Corps matches, contributed to unit cricket for the Rifles and is also the ASCB Reserve Secretary for Cricket.  And all of this is done as a Reservist, whilst holding down a busy civilian job with Shell.

“WO2 Alex Rennie has played a vital role in enabling the return of Army Cricket, following the COVID-19 pandemic in 2020 and in 2021.  His proactive engagement considered advice, planning ability and commendable work ethic has helped to ensure, and assure, the safe return to playing cricket at all levels. Indeed, cricket was one of the first major sports to return to representative competition.

“One of the cornerstones of resuming sport is the ACA Sports Safety Management Plan (SSMP) which details risks and mitigations, considers NGB guidance and provides direction to the entire military cricketing community.  WO2 Rennie provided excellent support to the ACA Secretary in creating and updating this key document which provided players, officials and managers clear guidance on what was needed to resume playing cricket.

“As well as his sterling work on the SSMP, and for the governing committees, WO2 Rennie is also an extremely active and effective ‘on field’ umpire who supports a wide variety of military cricket at all levels (unit, Corps, Army and UKAF).  Last year he deservedly gained elevation to the UKAF ACO’s top level panel of officials which is testament to his continued professional development and outstanding performances on the field of play.

“WO2 Rennie’s work is always conducted to the highest standards and the support he has provided across his wide portfolio of roles has been exemplary; much of this is conducted in his valuable ‘spare time’.  His contribution is more remarkable when considering his full-time civilian job and his military commitment as an Army reservist based in Northern Ireland.

“Alex is unfalteringly dedicated in his support of, and contribution to, Army Cricket.  His contribution is much appreciated by the ACA President, Chairman, Secretary, and all those involved with Army Cricket.  He absolutely deserves formal recognition for all that he does and is very strongly recommended for this award.”

UKAF ACO are absolutely delighted that Alex has been recognised in this way – a fully deserved award for his considerable hard work and efforts, not only on our behalf but on behalf of all Army cricket.

Many congratulations Alex – a wonderful achievement and the highest honour.

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